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Abcs Of Oxygen For Energy

By Lucia Weeks

In elemental state, oxygen is a gas in the atmosphere and is dissolved in water. The amount of relatively reactive oxygen elemental remains constant only in long run, because O2 producing plants replace much as of aerobic breathing creatures as well as other combustion processes is used again (oxygen for energy). Without this biological cycle O2 would only occur in compounds, ie elemental O2 exists in a dynamic equilibrium.

Almost all living organisms need O2 to live (typically give plants during photosynthesis but more O2 from than they consume). You see him mostly by breathing in air, or by absorption of water (dissolved oxygen). In high concentrations, however, it is toxic to most living things.The metastable, high-energy and reactive allotrope of three O2 atoms (O3) is called ozone. Atomic oxygen, ie O2 in form of free, single O2 atoms, is stable before only under extreme conditions, such as in vacuum of space or in hot stellar atmospheres. However, it has a significant meaning as a reactive intermediate in many reactions of atmospheric chemistry.

From the Stone Age to Middle Ages, the fire to humans was a phenomenon which has been accepted as a gift from heaven. About the nature of fire caused by the different conceptions natural philosophers of antiquity to alchemist. The fire was seen as an essential ingredient of Earth. In 17th century the notion of a "light mysterious substance" was born. This phlogiston would escape from the burning fuel, heat was understood as a substance. The German-Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele conducted experiments. When heating manganese dioxide (manganese dioxide) or potassium permanganate with concentrated sulfuric acid (vitriol) he gave a colorless gas.

O2 is slightly soluble in water. The solubility depends on the pressure and the temperature. It increases with decreasing temperature and increasing pressure. At 0 degrees C and an O2 partial pressure of air of 212 hPa dissolve in pure water 14.16 mg / l oxygen. In oxygen-gas discharge Spectrum, the molecular orbitals of O2 are stimulated to emit light. The operating conditions are a pressure of 5-10 mbar, a high voltage of 1.8 kV, a current of 18 mA and a frequency of 35 kHz. During the recombination of ionized gas molecules, the characteristic color spectrum is emitted. In this case, a small part, caused reversibly formed by the supply of energy ozone.

The binding and the properties of O2 molecule can be well explained by the molecular orbital model. The s and p atomic orbitals of individual atoms are assembled to form bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals. The 1s and 2s orbitals of O2 atoms are each to . Sigma.. Sub. S and . Sigma.. Sub. S - bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals.

For O2 recovery after Claude process air by means of compressors to 5-6 bar is compressed, cooled and then removed by first filter of carbon dioxide, humidity, and other gases. The compressed air is cooled by flowing past gases from the process to a temperature near the boiling point. It is then expanded in turbines. A portion of energy used for compression can again be recovered. This is the method -. In contrast to Linde process, in which no energy is recovered - a lot more efficient.

O2 is the most abundant and widespread element on earth. It occurs both in atmosphere and in lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. O2 has a mass fraction of 50.5% of earth's crust (up to 16 km depth, including hydro and atmosphere). In air, his mass fraction is 23,16% (by volume: 20.95%), the water 88.8% (the sea water but only 86%, since there large amounts salts, eg. As sodium chloride are dissolved).

Usually takes O2 in its compounds, and in earth before. In earth's crust almost all minerals and rocks are so well oxygenated water next. Among the most important minerals include oxygen-containing silicates such as feldspars, mica and Olivine, carbonates such as calcium carbonate in limestone and oxides such as silica as quartz.

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