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Ways On How To Be A Triathlete From A Triathlon Coach

By Jerry West

Being healthy is very important. Having one gives us a healthy mind and also a healthy soul. That is the most common reason reason why people do exercises despite of their busy schedule at work.

Exercise helps us burn the calories that we get from eating a lot of food. This also lessens the chances of us getting sick. There are actually numerous ways in doing exercises like simple running, swimming and biking. There are some people who do all of this and they are called triathletes, and are their triathlon coach keep them on track.

Triathletes are athletes who enter into competition which forms three parts and those are the biking, swimming and running. Being like this one, you would have to endure a hard training and do a lot of preparation. Here are some method on how to prepare to become your dream of being a triathlete.

Be equipped. You must be prepared before doing all the necessary work out and exercises. You need to have the apparatus and the right suit to wear. This is in order for you to do the drills and the work out properly.

Organize the drill sessions. When preparing for this kind of race, you must balanced the length of time that you have to spend on training for each category. If you are already good in biking, but is bad in swimming the take longer hours in swimming. But remember, you should not be too much confident for that might cause your failure.

Do a solo training. Doing the drills with your buddies is really fun, but sometimes you would have to do it solo. This is in order for you to focus on your weaknesses and overcome them. This would also give you the time to feel at ease and just focus on improving yourself, instead of comparing yourself to your buddy who have done a lot of drills perfectly.

Do the drills step by step. Do not be such in a hurry. Remember that you are still a beginner so you must start from step one and do not jump immediately to those complex drills. A proper preparation is also a step by step process. If you would do immediately the hard ones, your body might not be able to cope with it.

Power up. Another thing that gives us energy is the food so you should not hinder yourself from eating. But since you are still under training, the eating habits must be controlled, and so as the food intake. Make sure that you are guided by your coach in this part of your training.

Keep yourself hydrated. Doing all the drills and the trainings will really get you so much sweat. This would leave your body thirsty for water, therefore, you should always bring and drink water during training sessions with your coach. You may also try to have energy drinks, and some other drinks which has added sugar, nutrients and all others.

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