Do you think that these are best solutions?

Treadmill Weight Loss Workouts to Build a Leaner, Healthy and Fit Body

Treadmill weight loss is one of the more successful methods of losing weight. Treadmill weight loss helps individuals to loose weight by implementing workout routines on a treadmill machine. A treadmill weight loss workout enables user to build a healthy and fit body. Doctors, medical specialists, gym trainers and health specialists provide treadmill weight loss workout tips to individuals who desire to lose weight, build body sculptures and get into shape.

Treadmill walking workouts for weight loss have consistently provided quality results and lasting benefits. These exercises allow people to work at their own pace to burn calories effectively.

Using a good treadmill workout program has worked for many people and individuals. Treadmill workouts not only enable users to lose weight but also help users to maintain their weight loss. Treadmill weight loss is achieved by performing workouts on treadmills by virtually any age group and individuals of any activity level.

It helps people to lose weight and maintain weight loss by implementing a treadmill workout routine. A sensible, healthy and planned diet that will help users to shed their weight by unwanted pounds is implemented with along with the workout. While performing workouts on treadmills to reach treadmill weight loss targets, users need to be consistent in their planned workouts. Treadmill weight loss can be achieved if the user spends a certain length of time on the treadmill machine.

Treadmill weight loss workouts make the user walk or jog on a treadmill for certain time length and at least 5-6 days per week. Treadmill weight loss requires workouts that user spends 45 minutes or more per session on a treadmill machine. Consistency in treadmill workouts is the key to the success of treadmill weight loss.
Initially treadmill weight loss workout starts at a nice and easy pace but over the period of time the intensity and length of the workouts is increased to achieve the targets of treadmill weight loss exercise. During treadmill weight loss workout users need to keep in mind that they have their body moving for as long and fast as they can and still remain comfortable. The faster the pace during treadmill weight loss workouts on a treadmill, the more calories will be burned which will eventually lead to weight loss. Regular workouts on a treadmill increase the body's metabolism and make more weight loss.

Treadmill weight loss exercise is the best way to lose weight provided users plan their workouts on a treadmill and make it a daily habit. Consistency in maintaining workouts is the key to success of treadmill weight loss.

Treadmill weight loss tips during walking workouts on a treadmill include maintaining a proper posture of the body, keeping the head up, relaxing the neck, swinging the arms at sides, holding the tummy in, keeping the hips relaxed & loose and concentration on breathing. Treadmill weight loss tips also include listening to music, watching TV, or talking to a friend next to you to avoid the boredom during treadmill weight loss workouts.

Treadmill weight loss workouts include numerous programs. Making treadmill weight loss workout a daily habit makes achieving weight loss ambitions more likely. Incorporation of 3-4 treadmill workout sessions each week is a planned program of treadmill weight loss. Forcing the body to become conditioned to more intense workout is another treadmill weight loss program. Treadmill weight loss sessions or interval workouts cause people to burn more calories and make the workout less monotonous. Treadmill weight loss workout includes swinging of arms and variety of arm movements during walking workouts, which increases the metabolic rate and causes weight loss.

Treadmill weight loss workouts help users to achieve their weight loss goals and have a positive impact on all aspects of their life including fitness, the way they look, the way they walk, etc. Treadmill weight loss workout on a treadmill machine is a simple way to reach weight loss goals.

The author of the article is Atanu. He has well known authority and can visit at [].

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Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase III

We left off with my last article of "Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase II". In review, you learned how to exercise regularly in order to ensure that your healthy weight loss is also a quick weight loss. Now, we are on to Phase III of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. What is the third and final fitness tuning path that I must pursue after you have adopted a complete and healthy diet and a regular workout routine? What is the last and final path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss?

Phase III of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your intake of fluids. Ok, stop the presses! You mean that what I drink actually matters when it comes to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss? The answer is yes, big time! Everyone knows that you must hydrate yourself in order to survive. In fact, everyone knows that you can die of dehydration sooner than you can die of hunger. So, the fluids that you put into you body are extremely important when it comes to the success of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. In fact, fluid intake is critical upon the success or failure of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss endeavor.

Water is the first key liquid in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey's success. Water is extremely important when it comes to your body. First of all, you body is 80% water. Without a constant intake of water, your body would eventually start shutting down until you died. So, we take water pretty seriously when it comes to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Water hydrates your body, is used to flush toxins from your system, and keeps your lungs moist during cardiovascular activity. It is recommended to take in 8 - 10 8oz. glasses of water per day, and I recommend that you start doing so. Your body must have plenty of water to do its part in achieving a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Take a large water bottle and a cup with you to work. When the water bottle is empty, then refill it. Having the water present will encourage you to drink it more often. Your body will thank you for it by flushing out the toxins from your system that can actually impede upon the success of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey.

Coffee and soda must be eliminated from your diet to succeed in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Soda should only be had occasionally as a reward for your hard work. For me, I have a soda when I have pizza, and that is about it. Your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is dependent upon a minimum amount of caffeine intake, and increased water intake when drinking caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, and will actually pull the water from your body. This is extremely bad when it comes to your body operating at top efficiency while you're exercising. Believe me, you will feel the difference! I will treat myself to the occasional energy drink in replacement of my afternoon snack mentioned in Phase I. However, your journey towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be an unpleasant one with too much caffeine intake.

Green tea is the best and highest recommended caffeinated beverage that you can have for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Most of them are even decaffeinated! I would recommend that you have 3 - 4 cups of hot green tea per day. Studies have shown an increase in energy levels and metabolisms for subjects who took in certain quantities of green tea on a daily basis, which also resulted in reduction of body fat content. The study showed that for positive results, 3 cups per day were necessary for a 156 lb. subject. (More information on the health benefits of green tea will be made available to members of my website listed below.) However, in relation to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you have just found your replacement for coffee!

For those of you that want something more to drink during your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey... When it comes to fitness tuning, you want to choose wisely about what you put into your body, and not base your decision upon taste alone. Unfortunately, the majority of people base their beverage choices on taste and usually upon it being a sweet taste, which means too much sugar. However, there are a few key beverages that can give you some flavor variety, as well as give you a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss boost as well!

POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice - Packed with cancer fighting anti-oxidants, and was rated as the top source of anti-oxidants of all beverages on the market.

Vitamin A & D Organic Milk & Organic Soymilk with Calcium - Fatty acids, calcium, Vitamin A & D, as well as isoflavones and protein with the soymilk, give you more health benefits than you can shake a stick at.

Tropicana Essentials Fiber, Heart, & Antioxidant Advantage - Packed with Vitamin C, the Essentials line of Tropicana orange juice offers a wide variety of health benefits tailored for your specific needs.

Sobe No Fear (Sugar Free) - I have found this to be the best of the energy drinks on the market for me. I don't drink them every day, but they serve well on a jam-packed day of 10+ hours of work followed by time at the gym. (Remember: drink extra water when drinking caffeine!)

Gatorade Performance Series & Propel Fitness Water - Jam packed with electrolytes, I try to drink the Performance Series an hour before my workout, and follow my workout with a Propel Fitness Water.

Changing the quality of fluids taken into your body each day is the final path toward your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. You now have at your disposal the three phases to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss success. Ensure that you adhere to the promise that you have made to yourself, and ensure that you follow all three paths. Your success in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is dependent upon you and you alone. Further information will be distributed to members of my free membership site listed below. You will gain access to fitness tuning nutrition, dieting, and fitness information, including information relating to all three phases of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. So, embark on your journey and lead the way to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss success!

Discover The Extreme Weight Loss and Fitness Secrets [] That Personal Trainers In Hollywood Charge $97/Hour To Teach FOR FREE at []

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Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase II

We left off with my last article of "Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase I". As a recap, you learned how you should adjust your diet to ensure that your healthy weight loss is also a quick weight loss. Now, we are on to Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. So, what is the next fitness tuning path that I must pursue after you have adopted a complete and healthy diet?

Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is exercise. Now that you have adopted a complete and healthy diet, and your body has all of the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins that it is supposed to, it is time to put all of that good work to use! Exercise is the next key ingredient to the amazing recipe of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Not only must you exercise, but you must do so intelligently. There is no need for you to try to kill yourself in the beginning. Instead, it is better for you to take baby steps and to work yourself up to advanced workout routines. The road to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will only be as bumpy as you choose to make it!

Start you healthy weight loss and quick weight loss workouts slowly. That means that you should work yourself up to doing advanced workouts. My working out started with cardiovascular activity, and body training. I would suggest that you do the same. Body training will consist of using your own body weight to train your muscles. This means that you do push-ups, sit-ups & crunches, pull-ups, squats, lunges, dips, reverse crunches, calf-raises, and flutter kicks. These are excellent exercises to start Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, and builds up your muscles' endurance. Do as many minutes of cardiovascular exercise that you can, following the completion of your body training exercises. Start yourself at ten minutes and work your way up to thirty minutes. This is the preparation step necessary for a successful Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss.

The next step of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is to move your fitness tuning efforts into the gym. Once you are able to pump out your body training exercises like a professional, then you are ready for weight and resistance training. Depending upon your body type and desire for body type, the method of gym training for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey differs. To plainly put it, if you want to put on muscle size and increase strength, you will use more weight with fewer repetitions; if you are solely concerned about core strength and toning your body, then you will use less weight and more repetitions. Deciding upon what body type you want is the easiest part of a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. With either method, use the pyramid set structure. This means to increase your weight with each set of the exercise, and complete 3 sets per exercise. Refer to my fitness tuning website, listed below, if further information is needed regarding healthy weight loss and quick weight loss exercises or exercise techniques.

During Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, remember to use your head. When you are starting a new exercise for the first time, use an extremely light weight. Not only will this ensure that you don't injure yourself doing the exercise, but it will also allow you to use proper form for the exercise from the very beginning. Achieving a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is impossible if you injure yourself in the gym. In fact, a gym injury can set your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss exercise program back weeks, even months. Remember, if you can't do ten repetitions of your third set of an exercise, that's OK as well. As long as you can do ten repetitions of the first two sets of the exercise, then eventually your strength will build enough for you to do ten repetitions of the third exercise. This is the fitness tuning method of Phase II of your healthy weight loss and a quick weight loss, and has been working for fitness enthusiasts for years.

The gym portion of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is simple. You do three exercises per muscle group, and do two muscle groups per day. This means you can do chest and triceps the first day, back and biceps the second day, and legs and shoulders the third day. Finish your exercise routines off on those three days with twenty or thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise. On the fourth day, do only abdominal exercises, unless you are working your abdominal muscles on the other three days along with the other muscle groups. If this is the case, then the fourth day is a complete day of rest. In order to be completely successful in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must give your body time to recuperate. You are giving your body the nutrients that it needs to recuperate from your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss efforts, but the last ingredient is rest.

By utilizing these exercise methods and techniques, you will ensure success in Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Once you have mastered the gym routines listed above, then you are ready for more advanced training methods. You are able to find out more information on all of the fitness tuning training techniques for a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss program listed in this article, as well as more advanced training methods, by clicking on my website's link below. You can join my free membership website, and gain access to all of the nutrition, dieting, and fitness information that I send to all of my members. You will also be able to build the workout routine that is best for you, and ensure your success in Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey today!

Powerful Weight Loss and Fitness Techiques [] Are Available at Our Membership Website FOR FREE -- Right Now at []

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Weight Loss Truths - Un-Sugar Coated

Millions of people are currently on a weight loss mission. Sadly, only a small fraction will lose weight, and half of those that do succeed will put it right back on in a matter of months.

The weight loss product industry makes billions of dollars yearly at the whim of desperate consumers looking for that quick fix, that magic pill, or the revolutionary machine that will make them lose weight.

Weight loss does not come in a bottle or a machine. It never has, and it never will. True weight loss takes proper nutrition, exercise, and rest. There are no short cuts, quick fixes, overnight miracles, or FDA approved drugs that will force the fat off your body, much less keep it off.

While you read this revealing article keep a few key points in mind. These are the truths that you may not want to hear, but need to. Here are the weight loss truths, un-sugar coated.

Weight Loss Truth #1 - You will not lose 5-10 pounds of body fat in a week

If you want to lose fat and keep it off, then it's going to take some time. I won't guarantee 5-10 pound weight loss in a week or two, but I will say you can realistically lose 1-2 pounds of body fat a week, and gain lean muscle at the same rate. You didn't put the weight on overnight, and therefore it's not going to magically disappear overnight.

True weight loss is fat loss...not muscle loss, not water or bone loss, but fat loss. Losing 5-10 pounds or more a week is a loss of bone, muscle, and water, which results in a destroyed metabolism.

Scale weight is obsolete, as the scale is only a measuring device, unable to distinguish between muscle, fat, bone, and water weight.

Weight Loss Truth #2 - There is no quick fix to fat loss, and fad diets are worthless

Lose 40 pounds in a week! Lose weight while you sleep! Rapid weight loss! Lose weight without diet or exercise! These are consumer hot buttons, causing you to buy products with your emotions. They are misleading and just plain lies, lies, and lies. Fad diets and "quick fix" products will drain your wallet and leave you feeling worse than when you started. The only weight you will lose on a fad diet or a quick fix is water, muscle, and bone. These are not desired results, as they lead to metabolic downgrade and increased fat storage.

Lotions, potions, and gadgets for fat loss should be tossed out the window. They are worthless. Taking fat off requires nutrients and exercise. It's that simple, yet rarely told to you because the weight loss product industry's job it to make an insane amount of money.

Weight Loss Truth #3 - You have to stop eating processed foods labeled "healthy," "low-fat," or "low-carb".

Food labels are misleading and can cause you to gain more fat in the long run. They are completely processed.

Prepackaged meals and "diet foods" contain chemicals that your body can't metabolize and therefore, it slows down your metabolism. Chemicals that don't leave your body become toxins and get lodged in your fat cells, making fat loss even more difficult.

Weight Loss Truth #4 - You will have to put forth the effort if you want to lose fat

The body is made to be nourished and to be physical. If you want to lose fat you have to eat right and get moving. It may not be glamorous or fun, but it's a must if you want to shed the fat.

There are a number of things you can do for exercise, such as walking, in-line skating, weight training, biking, hiking, swimming, etc. Whatever your choice is, just do it.

Weight Loss Truth #5 - You will not be a supermodel or swimsuit model

Well, I'm not saying this can't or won't happen, but my point is that many weight loss ads suggest that after you take their product you will look like the supermodel marketing the product.

Remember, models are models. They are spokespersons for the company. They are just doing their job. Just because a supermodel is holding a bottle of the latest cortisol blocker does not mean you will look like her by taking that product.

Weight Loss Truth #6 - Muscle does not weigh more than fat

There is a misconception linked with weight training, that muscle weighs more than fat. I've heard Dr. Phil say this (yes, the wonderful "dieting expert"), as well as Bob Greene, Oprah's personal trainer. These people are looked upon as icons, yet they are giving out false information.

Muscle does not weigh more than fat. Go do the experiment yourself right now. Grab two pounds of chicken fat and weigh it, and then weigh two pounds of chicken meat (muscle). Which weighs more? Neither. Two pounds of fat weighs the same as two pounds of muscle, two pounds.

Muscle is more dense than fat and it takes up less space. Therefore, it would be ideal to add muscle to your frame because it's more dense, creates curves, and it increases your metabolism.

Weight Loss Truth #7 - You can't spot reduce

Doing a thousand leg lifts won't reduce your thighs any faster than doing a thousand crunches to tone your abs. Simply, and sadly put, you cannot spot reduce. Doing crunches upon crunches will only build the underlying abdominal muscle beneath your layer of tummy fat.

To trim down flabby areas you need to eat several small balanced meals that are unprocessed, and you need to exercise. When your body fat begins to reduce, your trouble spots will begin to shape up.

Weight Loss Truth #8 - Weight loss is a lifestyle

Losing weight properly, which is reducing body fat and building lean muscle tissue, should not be a one-shot approach; it should be a lifetime commitment. If you ever go back to your old destructive habits you will become out of shape again, and will have to work twice as hard to get back in shape.

Adopt a healthy eating and exercise lifestyle, and maintain it for the rest of your life. Doing so will keep you fit, energetic, slow down the aging process, keep you looking young, and it will prevent early degenerative diseases.

Being healthy and in shape is not genetic, it's by choice. Make the right choice today.

Weight Loss Truths Conclusion

Now that you have the weight loss truths, begin to work on them to improve your health and to get in shape. Your health and your body are yours, and you have to work daily to keep them functioning correctly and to give you the look you want. Once you get in the shape you want to be in, all you have to do from there is simple maintenance, which becomes something you do daily, such as brushing your teeth or shaving your legs.

Do your body right and it won't steer you wrong.

Copyright 2006 Karen Sessions

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies.

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Extreme Weight Loss Boot Camps

If you are overweight and want or need to lose a significant amount of weight due to underlying medical issues or just want to look and feel healthier but have tried everything you can think of with no success then maybe the next step for you is one of many extreme weight loss boot camps.

Extreme weight loss boot camps will definitely put you through the paces. Each one is different in their approach but all will help their clients learn how to eat, the right way, and help you get your body moving so you can burn the fat and lose the weight.

They should also help you change the bad habits you have gotten yourself into and teach you what you need to know to keep the weight off for good.

If you are going to make this commitment to yourself then you need to prepare. Do some research of the facility you choose or research several so you get the best deal. Registering to be a part of one of these camps is not cheap but they are worth every penny if you realize the goals you have set for yourself.

Depending on where you choose to attend one of these camps cost can range from $665.00 per day for a one week stay down to $250.00 per day for 30 days or longer stays.

Workouts are custom tailored to your specific needs and abilities by certified fitness trainers who oversee your workouts by getting right in there with you, not by walking around with a clipboard and a whistle.

Although losing weight is the major aspect of these camps, learning how to shop for healthy foods and then bringing that food home and learning to cook it should be as important as losing the weight.

You may be successful at losing the weight while you are living at the camp but if you do not learn to change the bad habits you have with food then when you leave, it will be too easy to fall back into the same old routines that made you fat to begin with and you will gain the weight back in no time.

When researching this article I found that there are very few that require you to cook your own food. Most have executive chefs on board who cook the meals for the clients registered at the camps.

This teaches you nothing about how to prepare your own food once you leave the camp. This is why people fail at diets they never learn how to cook healthy meals on their own.

Now I am not saying that you can never again ever have something sweet or something that you shouldn't have. Moderation should also be taught, because even if you do eat something good for you you can still overdo and eat too much of a good thing.

Extreme weight loss boot camps can be a wonderful way to lose those excess pounds and learn new, healthy ways to keep the weight off and live a healthier lifestyle.

10 years of experience of how to lose weight and if your want to start losing weight today I recommend you go to

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6 Tips For A Weight Loss Plan

The first step for healthy weight loss is to create some sort of weight loss plan.

I know that sounded a little vague, but your weight loss plan does NOT have to be something that only NASA could understand or approve.

YOUR weight loss plan should include such simple things as what activities (exercise) you are going to indulge in, when, where, and so on. You will want to outline your goals, both long term and short term goals You will definitely need to outline what your strategy will be for nutrition...notice I DID NOT say "diet"!

Why have a formal, or at least semi-formal, weight loss plan?

It has long been known to those who are successful in business, sports,
, motivation, and other areas, that one way to improve your chances of success is to sit down and write out where you are, where you want to be, and how you are going to get there.

It is easier to plan for losing weight, or any other goal related activity, if there exists a clear picture of starting points, ending points, and how you intend to move from one point to the other. It is very easy to start a weight loss program or any other activity with intense motivation and a flurry of lofty plans only to lose site of the objective or to be led down unproductive paths by daily activities and the blurring effect of time.

Here are a few tips to consider when putting together YOUR personal weight loss plan:

1. Make your goals realistic:

Wanting to weigh what you weighed in high school is, for most of us at least, unrealistic. Using some movie star's weight or a relative's weight as your goal is also possibly detrimental to actually accomplishing effective weight loss. Each of those people arrived at THEIR weight by a combination of genetics, diet, and exercise which may not apply to you at all!

Most people do not realize that a healthy weight loss program should, for most people, result in a weight loss of only a pound or so a week. To many who have been striving for years to lose weight, this may seem a depressing statement. However, let me put it in perspective.

I have a close friend who was so desperate to lose weight that she opted for gastric bypass surgery. She weighed 340 lbs at the time of the surgery. When the doctor was briefing her on what to expect, she learned that even with surgical intervention, she would probably only lose about 70 lbs in her first year. That works out to 1.35 lbs a week, which would be a healthy weight loss that most people could achieve through a combination of physical activity and proper nutrition. The doctor also informed my friend that she would continue to lose weight over the following years until she reached some new level which would be determined by genetics, nutrition, and activity. This is the same expectation that anyone bypassing the bypass and opting for a healthy weight loss program could expect.

Finally, unrealistic weight loss goals insure failure, while an average of a pound a week over a period of a year is relatively easy to attain with motivation and effort.

2. Do not focus on weight loss:

I know that sounds strange since your goal IS weight loss, but it is easy to see failure if you are only looking for weight loss. For example, people's weight fluctuates from day to day and even within the day itself. A temporary setback where weight is regained becomes inflated if viewed against the background of only weight loss. However, if your goal is to do the things which are going to make you healthy, for example, then those few days of overeating at Thanksgiving may be more excusable in your own heart if you know that you have been taking your walks, or have cut your use of sugar, or are still taking action in some other form.

This is something that should be considered in your weight loss plan. How are you going to make your life better overall? How many ways can you approach "weight loss"? Do not make it your goal to lose so many pounds this week. Rather, set a goal to walk so many minutes, lift so many pounds, garden for so many minutes. That way, even if your weight does not change that much in that period or even goes in the wrong direction, you still know that your body is benefiting from the parts of your weight loss plan that you are still in touch with.

NOTE: People who begin exercising as part of their weight loss program often experience a weight GAIN somewhere in the first few weeks of their new exercise experience. THIS IS PERFECTLY NATURAL! If you have just begun exercising to lose weight and experience a weight gain, this should be only temporary, and is most commonly caused by your body adding muscle mass faster than it loses fat.

3. Plan to go slow:

I don't know if there is a statistic somewhere that demonstrates how many people drop out of their weight loss program due to stress, strain, pain, or just plain burnout. However, I have experienced it myself, I have read about it, and I know people it has happened to. Sometimes the simplest statements are most true. One that you will often hear is, "It took years for your body to get this way, and you cannot change it overnight." This is so true. Also, take into consideration that, even though you might not be SEEING significant changes, if you are taking the steps that you have outlined in your weight loss plan, your body is adapting inside, in places you cannot see, but it is repairing and preparing to move to higher levels of fitness and health.

4. Plan to measure your progress:

I know I said not to stress so much about the weight loss, but you do need to see what is going on. You don't have to concentrate exclusively on pounds lost, however. If you can walk farther this week than you could two or three weeks ago, you are progressing. Hopefully, in another two weeks, you will be walking farther, or faster. If, at the start of your weight loss program you could only exercise for five minutes at a time, and now you can exercise for 15 minutes, that is progress, isn't it? That's an accomplishment and is something you should be proud of.

NOTE: One measurement of progress in a weight loss program is quite simply "size". Two weeks into a weight loss program, you might actually have gained weight, for example, as I pointed out a few paragraphs ago. However, if your clothes are looser, or you need to buy smaller clothes, or friends are coming up and asking, "Have you lost weight?" these are good signs that your program is working even if your scales haven't gotten the news yet.

5. Plan to stay motivated:

One of the most common obstacles that knock people off their weight loss program is loss of motivation. The drive and excitement that gets you started is very seldom still around when you lace up your walking shoes for what seems like the millionth time and have only lost two lbs.

Including your reasons for losing weight, the emotional and perhaps physical triggers that got you started in the first place, as part of your written weight loss plan gives you a means of reinvigorating your desire to achieve your goals. We often forget how we felt and what we believed at the start of such a journey, and being able to pull out the paper and review the dreams and expectations can bring us back up to that original level, or at least remind us of what we are enduring this for.

I used to be an instructor for a major
corporation, and one thing that I and other instructors would tell our students was, to achieve their goals, they had to, "plan their work, and work their plan."

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. He has written poetry and essays for his own use, and instructional media in many of the positions he held. After his retirement from the U. S. Army in 1995, he began writing articles on various subjects for websites he owned as well as for use by other webmasters. He has a keen interest in health, fitness, diet, and weight loss and has recently completed courses on Diet and Nutrition, and Fitness. He has posted a review on a great way to build muscle and burn fat.

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Healthy Weight Loss Supplements

If you are overweight and diet and exercise regime can be somewhat of real challenge for you, a great step you can make is find weight loss supplements to make your weight loss more easy. Unfortunately most of the overweight people sink into the vast choice of weight loss pills available without researching what weight loss supplements are healthy.

In this article I will try to give some useful observation considering healthy weight loss supplements.

Well if we dig into weight loss supplements market and research it we will find two basic types of supplements available - chemical weight loss supplements and herbal or natural weight loss supplements.

First type is a known and approved way to assist in weight loss that was used for many obese people and really helped in their weight loss routines.

There are several most known brands of chemical supplements, like Xenical or Phentermine or Meridia - all based on chemicals affecting your weight in several ways of action.
For example, Xenical acts like fat blocker. It is known to reduce up to 25% of weight if used correctly. The pill is considered suitable even for long term weight loss.

Or Meridia, affecting our brain chemicals to increase body metabolism and suppress appetite. The supplement also showed effectiveness on obese patients.

Unfortunately, using chemical weight loss supplements is not a healthy way of weight loss for sure. Chemical combinations have side effects and in some cases can affect our health badly. They are used under doctor's prescription usually and just in case patient does not have any serious medical conditions.

Another group is natural weight loss supplements, also known as herbal. These weight loss supplements are actually a mix of natural ingredients or both natural and safe chemical components designed to maximally affect our excess weight.

The only serious thing to mention here is that not every "natural" component is safe for your health. Well known example is ephedra or ma huang - herb that is used in many weight loss supplements as metabolism enhancer and thermogenic as well. Only after several fatal cases and severe side effects reported by many people who used ephedra, it has become clear that not every natural component is actually healthy one to use.

Ok, it's not that bad at all - here we got several natural ingredients that can you can consider as a healthy aid for your weight loss. They are widely known - it is Hoodia Gordonii, Green Tea, Chitosan, Garcinia Cambogia, Fiber and some others... Though most of them hasn't been researched thoroughly to prove their weight loss capacities, they showed real efficacy with many people using them in form of supplements and getting positive weight loss results.

So recommendation is simple - if you are not morbidly obese and in need of serious medical help, natural weight loss supplements are the healthy way for you to make weight loss faster and easier. Just don't rely too much on "magic pills" and use them along with diet and exercise routines.

Be aware of dangerous herbal components and choose weight loss supplements only from reputable brands and distributors.

Anthony Voronoff is an expert maknig reviews and comparisons of high quality weight loss pills from reputable brands. If you want to discover top healthy weight loss supplements proven for efficacy and positively rated by customers,
to visit Natural weight loss pills reviews.

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Find The Best Weight Loss Program

According to American Dietetic Association every year Americans throws 33 Billion Dollars on weight loss program, foods,
and products. So, it is no surprise that you will find many fad diets and other so-called best weight loss programs in this flourishing market.

With the arrival of fad diets, special exercise regiments and all manner of junk science, it won't be easy for most of us to distinguished good weight loss program from the bad weight loss program. There are no extensive scientific studies conducted for different weight loss programs. However we do find a few scientific studies conducted on different weight loss programs, which is either contradictory or supporting a particular weight loss program.

In absence of any scientific studies, if you find out that majority of serious sources agrees on certain bodybuilding program then you may safely rank that program as the best bodybuilding program. In the best interest of your physical health, there is no doubt that you have to lose the extra fat. You have gained this extra fat due to your poor lifestyle and your bad eating habit. You can reduce your extra fat by following the best weight loss program.

What is the best weight loss program? The best weight loss program is that, which is easily affordable, rational and flexible - a well organized program, which you would like to stick with.

What is the mechanism of weight loss?In theory the mechanism of weight loss is very simple. Our overall body weight is determined by the calories we consume and the calories we burned. You will gain weight if you consume more calories than you burned. Similarly you lose weight if you consume fewer calories and burned more calories.

All is not that simple I know many people who exercising daily and eating well but still they complain that they are not losing any weight. That's why you have to follow the best weight loss program.

Types of weight loss program

Broadly speaking there are three types of bodybuilding programs.

1. Do-it-yourself weight loss programs: This type of weight loss programs are preferred by the busy people, who has very little time to go to the gym or clinic. This type of program may be done at home alone or with the help of someone. They rely heavily on the books, videos and other such materials for the guidance.

2. Non-clinical weight loss programs: This type of weight loss programs is mostly professionally managed. You have to go to their premises for daily or thrice in a week for the consultation. They also use different weight loss and diet books. They will monitor your weight loss and give you counseling regarding your eating habit and your diet.

3. Clinical weight loss programs: This type of weight loss program is conducted mostly in hospitals or other health care units. This program is recommended to very overweight people. The weight loss is monitor by the nurses, physicians, psychologist and the dietitians.

Before finding the best weight loss program, you have to decide which type of weight loss program is suitable for you. Then start researching for the weight loss program that suits you best.

Choose that weight loss program which has exercise programs built in and also gives emphasis on lifestyle changes. This will help you to lose weight and keep it off for a longer time and at the same time it will also keep you fit and healthy. It is your health. So, do some homework to find the best weight loss program for you. The best weight loss program does not hammer you to change your food habit drastically. It does not ask you to join a posh gym or hiring a personal trainer.

Author Ajay Charvak is a consultant for weight loss program. He has review many e books which deals with the weight loss program. You can find here the best weight loss program [] e book.

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The Truth About Natural Weight Loss Drugs

It is not uncommon to hear that people believe in anything that is all-natural. Case in point, a natural weight loss drug is the key to effective weight loss. Most doctors, even yours, might beg to disagree. While it is no contention that the ingredients found in a natural weight loss drug are natural, being natural here does not always mean safe. Even though generally good for the health, some things in nature can be harmful when taken in the wrong combinations or dosages.

As a Supplement

Time and time again, you have heard your doctor say that the key to effective weight loss is a sound diet complemented by an exercise regimen. This does not mean however that you should not use natural weight loss drugs at all. Sometimes, even after following your doctor's advice and eating right while doing your exercises regularly, you just cannot lose the weight. When this time comes, it does not hurt to get a little help. But that is what a natural weight loss drug should be - a little help. It is by no means meant to take the place of a fitness program. You can lose the weight but that does not necessarily mean you are healthier when you use a weight loss drug alone. When you stick to a fitness program, you do not only lose the weight and keep it off, but you also work at strengthening your body, making you healthier in the long run. And coupled with the right natural weight loss drug, your fitness goals just got easier to reach.

Healthy Weight Loss

Your body needs certain levels of fat to function properly so losing too much weight, too fast can be very dangerous. For weight loss to be healthy, you should not lose more than two pounds a week. You can use a natural weight loss drug and still address this concern by making sure that you follow proper dosage instructions. Do not get caught up in the obsession to lose weight fast and overdosing under the impression that doing so will help speed up the weight loss process. Dosage instructions are there for a reason. They make sure that what you take in is the right amount to ensure optimum effect. You know anything in excess is bad for you, so the same goes for any natural weight loss drugs you might be taking.

Lose Weight the Natural Way

Still the best natural way of losing weight is to do it, well, the natural way - eat right and exercise. (No, using a natural weight loss drug doesn't count.) Do not give up just because you cannot see results. Depending on your level of fitness, these things take time. You did not gain all that weight overnight so you should not expect to lose it overnight either.

See Your Doctor

Where the natural way (eating right and exercising) does not work, consult your doctor but wait at least until you are six months into a fitness program to do so. Your troubles with losing weight might actually be indications of other underlying health conditions that you might be suffering from. By checking in with your doctor, your doctor can rule out any severe health condition that may be keeping you from losing weight. Your doctor can also help assess your current fitness program to find out what the problem is.

You will be surprised to find out that maybe you do not actually need to overhaul your current fitness program. All you might need may be a few tweaking here and there to make sure that your fitness program is suited for you or to address any changes your body might have undergone during the 6-month period. While with your doctor, have a consult of possible natural weight loss drugs you can integrate with your current fitness program. Your doctor will not only know what weight loss drugs are safe for use in general but also which natural weight loss drug is compatible for use with your current fitness program to ensure you get maximum results.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and director of TheUltimateWeightLossSecret.Com [] - check it out for all your weight loss information. Phil also provides honest advice about weight loss supplements like Lipovarin []

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Using Weight Loss Supplements To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Supplement is a word defined by Webster as such: Something added to complete a thing or to make up for a deficiency. Even so; some weight loss supplement companies market their products as magic pills and some consumers think of them as such.

I believe weight loss supplements can be beneficial if we learn to look past the hype and use them in addition to improved eating habits as well as increased physical activity.

Know what you want out of your weight loss supplement:

Are you looking for decreased appetite, carb blocking ability or increased metabolism? What is the manufacturer promising? What are the active ingredients and what studies and dosages were done on them?

Look for reviews and testimonials:

This is something I almost did not want to mention because reviews and testimonials can be very conflicting. Reading weight loss supplement reviews and testimonials is going to require you to think for yourself and determine if the review or testimonial makes a valid point or not. I recently read a review for a weight loss product that said something to this effect: "I did not like this product; I continued to eat the way I always do and actually gained weight on this product." My interpretation of this is that the person probably did not carefully monitor what they were eating. They were gaining weight before "eating what they normally eat" and were expecting this pill to magically cause them to lose weight. On the other hand, a weight loss testimonial that says "I eat anything I want and am still losing weight!" is equally suspicious to me. Weight loss product testimonials and reviews can be helpful in your decision if you weed through the hype and incomplete information. Look for clues such as: Did this product decrease the customers' appetite? Did the customer experience more energy? Was the reviewer jittery?

Is it too good to be true?

We have a tendency to believe what we want to believe. But when it comes to weight loss supplements we have to be honest with our self. Are the claims exaggerated? Is the company telling us we do not need to change our lifestyle? Does it appear the company wants us to lead a healthy lifestyle or does the company want to sell millions of pills? Remember weight loss supplements are going to help you reach your goals, not carry you to the completion of your weight loss goals.

Best seller does not always mean the best product.

I was a distributor for a branch of a very reputable supplement company and attended a convention they sponsored. The speaker was talking about making claims when trying to sell product and how they did not want us making any claims that have not been backed by science. Someone asked the question about other companies and why they could make outlandish weight loss claims and experience such great sales while we could only state scientific fact. The speaker acknowledge the fact that these companies would sell millions of dollars worth of product but they would not earn repeat customers and more than likely would not even exist in the long run. Ask yourself if the product you are interested in is a best seller because of hype or because the company is reputable and has a quality weight loss product.

Has the company been around for a while?

While the fact that a company is new does not mean it is low quality, a company that has been around for years usually has happy customers.

Read the directions and
very carefully.

I knew a lady that was taking a Chitosan product and getting sick. She asked me about it and I quickly asked her if she was allergic to shellfish-She was. Fortunately for her it was only a mild allergen and she did not suffer seriously. It was clearly stated on the label; "Do not take if you are allergic to shellfish." Also don't have the mentality that if one pill is good then two must be better. Natural weight loss products can be very powerful and should be treated with respect.

Take a break from time to time.

Occasionally take a break from your weight loss supplement regimen especially if you are using a weight loss product that contains a stimulant such as caffeine or other powerful herbs. I even do this with my multi-vitamin. I just believe it is a good idea to give your body a break from time to time.


I believe weight loss supplements can help you reach your weight loss goals, I also believe you can reach your weight loss goals without weight loss supplements, however I have always been the type of person that wanted every edge I can get. So if you are like me, and you decide to use weight loss supplements, think of your weight loss goal as a three legged table. One leg represents healthy eating, one leg represents activity, and the other leg represents your weight loss supplementation. Remove any one leg and the table will fall. Rely on only one leg and you will not reach your weight loss goal. Shop carefully, have realistic expectations, follow safety guidelines and reach your weight loss goal!

I wish for you the best of health!

Bill Herren

Bill Herren is the webmaster for Everything weight loss related! Weight loss success stories, product reviews, exercise articles, weight loss recipes, and diet articles. All Free and all designed to help you lose weight!

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Weight Loss Pills: Miracle Drugs or Money Wasters?

Losing weight is a lifelong commitment. It takes patience and self-discipline to stick with a weight loss program and wait for the end results. Many people want to find the magic shortcut that will make the process just a little shorter and less difficult. Many over-the-counter and prescription pills are purchased for just this purpose. They are available from pharmacies, natural health food stores, and even online. But are these weight loss pills the miracle drugs they claim to be? Or are they just a waste of money?

How Does A Weight Loss Pill Work?

Prescription weight loss pills work in one of three ways. Most of the pills on the market simply suppress the appetite and help you eat less. Others aim to increase your feeling of fullness after eating. Some of the newest weight loss pills on the market work by inhibiting the absorption of fat. Over the counter weight loss pills usually contain a stimulant that helps to decrease your appetite. The only complete weight management system which I approve of is the "Slimirex(TM)" system.

Who Should Take Weight Loss Pills?

Weight loss pills are most often recommended for people who are medically obese...people whose weight is causing serious health concerns. Even with weight loss pills, the treatment of obesity involves exercise, counseling, dietary changes, and behavioral modifications. But weight loss pills are not only used by obese people. They are also sought after by people who want a quicker way to achieve the weight goals they have set for themselves. As long as men and women continue to compare themselves to the select few beautiful, skinny models on TV screens and magazine pages, there will be a strong market for weight loss pills.

Could Weight Loss Pills Be Dangerous?

Weight loss pills are a medication just like any other type of drug. You need to be very careful about the ingredients of any medication that you place in your body.

ALWAYS Consult Your Doctor

Work in consultation with your natural health care provider if you decide to try a over the counter weight loss pill to help you lose weight. Your doctor can assess your overall weight management goals and he or she can help you monitor the success or side effects of the medication. Be very cautious about the weight loss pill you decide to try. Try visiting for general information and recommendations.

Know Your Source

Weight loss pills purchased over the internet may be coming from the garage of a t-shirt salesman (this actually happened!) If you decide to buy your weight loss pills online, make sure you research the company you are buying from so that you can be sure they send you the appropriate supplementation.

Read the Ingredients
Some weight loss pills contain the ingredient ephedra (also known as ephedrine and ma huang.) This stimulant has recently come under a lot of scrutiny from the Food and Drug Administration for its links to illness and side effects. Ephedra has been shown to cause heart attacks, seizures and strokes. It is a powerful and dangerous stimulant that can damage the central nervous system and the heart. The most complete system available is the Slimirex system scheduled for release in April 2005.

Watch Out For Dependency

Weight loss pills that contain amphetamine or other stimulants may cause withdrawal symptoms when you decide to discontinue the medication. You may become addicted to these types of pills and be unable to stop taking them. The long term use of weight loss pills may increase your chances of developing serious side effects. Stimulant based weight loss pills can cause Adrenal Burnout Syndrome, which can take years to fix.

The Bottom Line On Weight Loss Pills

1. ALWAYS check with your health care provider. Make sure he or she knows which pill you are going to try and arrange for your progress to be monitored.

2. If your doctor prescribes a weight loss pill for you, make sure you follow the instructions he or she gives you. If you decide to purchase an over the counter weight loss pill, be sure to use Slimirex. DO NOT OVERDOSE to try and gain faster results.

3. Use weight loss pills (Slimirex) in combination with behavioral modifications, dietary changes, and an exercise program to ensure that if you do achieve weight loss results with the pill, you will be able to discontinue their use without hampering your progress.

4. Monitor yourself carefully while you take the weight loss pill. Record your progress as well as any side effects you may be feeling. And be sure to report both to your health care provider.

5. Unless your doctor advises you differently, plan to take the weight loss pill for a maximum of six to eight weeks. These products are not meant for long term usage and side effects can occur.

6. If you are not losing weight, stop taking the weight loss pills. Consult with your health care provider on any lifestyle or medication changes you can incorporate to achieve results.

To learn more visit

To order Slimirex visit

Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. To learn more visit

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Weight Loss Surgeries Are Not a Cure - But a Tool

Weight loss surgeries are not a cure for obesity. Infact you only have a few years to enjoy the sole benefits of weight loss surgeries.

Permanent weight loss is not assured through weight loss surgeries; rather it is about a change in lifestyle. Obviously weight loss surgeries do not constitute a lifestyle change.

Types of weight loss surgeries:

There are basically three types of weight loss surgery procedures;

    (i) Restrictive weight loss surgery (ii) Mal-absorptive weight loss surgery (iii) Restrictive and mal-absorptive (Combined) weight loss surgery.

Restrictive weight loss surgeries are procedures that reduces the size of the stomach such that you are forced to eat less by restricting the amount of food you stomach can hold at a time hence the term restrictive surgery. This is usually done in two main ways, either using staples or using a band.

Both procedures reduce the size of the effective stomach by creating a small pouch out of the main stomach using either the band or staples.

Mal-absorptive weight loss surgeries on the other hand donot limit food intake. It inhibits absorption of calories. The procedures involve eliminating a substantial length of small intestines from coming in contact with the digested food.

The logic behind mal-absorptive surgeries are that though one may eat a lot of calories, fewer calories are absorbed into the blood stream due to a significantly shorter small intestines, the site for nutrient and calorie absorption.

Combined weight loss surgeries are a hybrid of the other two procedures. It has become more common as it is found to be more effective to restrict both calorie intake and absorption.

According to American Society of Bariatric Surgery, about 170,000 people in the year 2005 had weight loss surgeries. Most of these procedures were dome on adults 65 yrs old and younger who had been immobilized by their weigh and related medical conditions.

Weight Loss Surgeries are an extreme support structure:

It is important that weight loss surgeries is understood. They are not a cure for obesity they probably will never be. The only known cure for obesity is a change in lifestyle to a healthy diet and increased physical activities.

As so appropriately suggested by surgeon Harvey Sugerman professor emeritus of Virginia Commonwealth University and a past president of American Society of Bariatric Surgery, weight loss surgery "is a tool". Indeed it is an extreme tool only for extreme cases.

Among the top 4 reasons you fail in losing weight is lack of weight loss support structures. Weight loss surgeries are support structures. Weight loss support structures are physical means that are designed to aid your physiology as well as psychology in the pursuit to lose weight healthily and safely.
Among the characteristics that weight loss surgeries exhibits support include the fact that weight loss surgery jump stars weight loss.

This is a similar characteristic you will find in a liquid diet or an appetite suppressing weight loss pill. Both can be used under a watchful eye to assist in losing weight. Similarly weight loss surgeries should be handled as weight loss support structure. They are not a cure.

This article was authored at is a source of weight loss information and its permanent solutions. It uniquely approaches weight loss from the perspective of the "Top 4 Reason for Weight Loss Failure".

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Don't Be a "Big Loser" - Why You Should Say No to Quick Weight Loss

Patience. It's the one thing you never seem to have when you've got a body fat problem. You want the fat gone and you want it gone now! And why not? It seems so do-able. Everywhere you look, you read and hear promises of quick weight loss and you even see people losing weight quickly. We have reality TV shows that actually encourage people to attempt "extreme" body makeovers or see who can lose weight the fastest, and the winners (or shall we say, the losers), are rewarded generously with fortune, fame and congratulations.

Let's face it. Everyone wants to get the fat off as quickly as possible - and having that desire is not wrong - it's simply human nature. However, you must become aware of some serious problems that can occur if you try to force it and lose weight too quickly. The faster you lose weight, the more muscle you will lose with the fat, and that can really mess up your metabolism. An even bigger problem with fast weight loss is that the loss just won't last. The faster you lose, the more likely you are to gain it back. Think about it: We don't have a weight loss problem today, we have a "keeping the weight off" problem.

Weight loss will be the healthiest, safest and most likely to be permanent if you set your goal for about two pounds per week (and even if you lose only a single pound each week, that is healthy progress). This is the recommendation of almost every legitimate and respected dietician, nutritionist, exercise physiologist and personal trainer, as well as exercise organizations such as the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Dietetic Association.

Are there any exceptions to this rule? Is it ever okay to lose more than two pounds per week? The answer is yes. It may be OK to lose slightly more than two pounds per week if you have a lot of weight to lose because the rate of weight loss tends to be relative to your total starting body weight. Generally the rule is that it's safe to lose up to 1% of your total body weight per week, so if you weigh 300 lbs to start, then 3 lbs a week is a reasonable goal.

But there IS a catch.

What really matters is not how much weight you lose, but how much FAT you lose. Where did your weight loss come from? Did you lose body fat or lean body mass?

"Weight" is not the same as "fat." Weight includes muscle, bone, internal organs as well as lots and lots of water. What you really want is fat loss, not weight loss. If you only wanted weight loss, I could show you an easy way to lose 20 or 25 pounds in about 5 minutes. Just come over to my house. I have a really sharp hacksaw in my garage, and we'll just slice off one of your legs, after all it's just extra "weight" right?

Let's look at an example with some numbers so you can really grasp this concept of weight versus fat and then you can see, clearly illustrated, what will happen when you lose weight too quickly (because I know you probably don't believe me and you STILL want to lose weight as fast as possible... read on and it will all become clear to you).

As an example, let's take a 260 pound man who has a lot of body fat to lose - let's call it 32%. With 32% fat, a 260 pounder has 83.2 pounds of body fat and 176.8 pounds of lean mass. Using this example, let's look at a few possible scenarios with losses ranging from two to four pounds per week.

Weight Loss Scenario 1:

Suppose our 260 pound subject loses four full pounds instead of the recommended two pounds per week. Is this bad? Well, let's see:

If he loses a half a percent of body fat, here are his body composition results:

256 lbs 31.5% body fat 80.6 lbs fat 175.4 lbs lean body mass

Out of the four pounds lost, 2.8 pounds were fat and 1.2 were lean mass. Not a disaster, but not good either. Thirty percent of the weight lost was lean tissue.

Weight Loss Scenario 2:

If he loses a half a percent of body fat and only three pounds, here are his results:

257 lbs 31.5% body fat 80.9 lbs fat 176.1 lbs lean body mass

These results are better. Although he lost less body weight than scenario one, in this instance, 2.3 pounds of fat and only 0.7 lbs of lean mass were lost.

Weight Loss Scenario 3:

What if he only lost two pounds? Here are the results:

258 lbs 31.5% body fat 81.2 lbs fat 176.8 lbs lean body mass

These results are perfect. Even though our subject has only lost two pounds, which seems slow, 100% of the two pound weight loss came from fat.

Weight Loss Scenario 4:

Now let's suppose he loses three pounds but he loses more body fat: .8%

257 lbs 31.2% body fat 80.2 lbs fat 176.8 lbs lean body mass

These are the best results of all. When the weekly fat loss is .8%, 100% of the three pounds lost is fat.

So the answer to the question is yes - it's safe to lose more than two pounds per week... but only if the weight is all fat or at least mostly fat with minimal lean mass losses.

If you take example one - with thirty percent lean tissue loss and compound that over a few months, you're talking about a massive muscle tissue loss which can dramatically slow down your metabolism and turn you into nothing more than a "skinny fat person" (a person with low body weight because they lost all their muscle, but still holding stubborn body fat because they slowed down their metabolism).

One thing you should know is that water weight losses sometimes distort the numbers, especially when you first begin a new nutrition and training program. It's very common to lose 4 - 5 pounds in the first week on nearly any diet and exercise program and sometimes even more on low carb diets. Just remember, its NOT all fat - It's water!

The best advice you will EVER get is to focus on losing fat, not losing weight. If you lose three to five pounds per week, and you know it's all fat, and not lean tissue, then more power to you!

Of course the only way to know this is with body composition testing. For home self-testing, I recommend the Accu measure as first choice. I suggest using the bio-electric impedance analysis body fat scale only as second choice behind calipers for home self testing because this device gives some funky readings sometimes.

Even better, get a professional caliper test from an experienced tester at a health club, or even a water (hydrostatic) or air (bod pod) displacement test.

From literally hundreds of client case studies, I can confirm that it's rare to lose more than 1.5 - 2.0 lbs of weight per week without losing some muscle along with it. If you exceed 2.0 to 3.0 pound per week, the probability of losing muscle is extremely high. If you lose muscle, you are damaging your metabolism and this will lead to a plateau and ultimately to relapse.

Lack of patience is one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to losing weight. If you want your weight loss to be PERMANENT, you have to take off the pounds slowly.

This is one of the toughest lessons that overweight men and women have to learn - and they can be very hard learners. They fight kicking and screaming, insisting that they CAN and they MUST lose it faster.

Then you have these TV shows that encourage the masses that rapid, crash weight loss is okay. I say to the producers of these shows SHAME ON YOU! To the personal trainers, registered dieticians and medical doctors who are associated with these programs, I say DOUBLE SHAME ON YOU, because you should know better.

The rapid weight loss being promoted by the media for the sake of ratings and by the weight loss companies for the sake of profits today makes it even harder for those of us who are legitimate fitness and nutrition professionals because our clients say, "But look at so and so on TV - he lost 26 pounds in a week!"

Sure, but 26 pounds of WHAT - and do you have any idea what the long term consequences are?

Short term thinking, folks... foolish. There are hundreds of ways to lose weight quickly, but only one way to lose fat and keep it off in the long term.

Do it the right way - the healthy and sensible way. Take off the pounds slowly with an intelligent nutrition and exercise program - make this a new lifestyle, not a race, and you will never have to take the pounds off again because they will be gone forever the first time. No more yo-yoing.

Tom Venuto is a certified personal trainer, natural bodybuilder and author of the #1 best selling diet e-book, "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle." You can get info on Tom's e-book at To get Tom's free monthly fitness newsletter, visit

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A Dose Of Truth About Weight Loss Diets

As the world changes, people are becoming more and more conscious about their physical appearance and their overall health. Knowing that obesity can affect not only their lifestyle and social lives but their total well-being as well, people who are overweight are now determined to seek for solutions that can lead then back to leaner and healthier physique.

Since people are what they eat, one of the most popular weight loss aids today is indulging into weight loss diets. Aside from trying rigorous exercises, enrolling in various weight loss classes and programs, enduring routine workouts, and even trying different weight loss products, having a weight loss diet is one of the effective eats of losing weight.


People often associate weight gain with food intake. This is the reason why more and more of them take dieting as the ultimate solution to weight loss. Although it is a fact that eating greatly affects weight gain, it is not the sole reason why people become overweight. Other factors like the nutritional content of the food they eat, eating behavior and patterns, nutrients required by the body are the major reasons why people become obese.

By now, people should have realized that losing weight is not an overnight thing. They should know by now that eating less through improper dieting can make it harder for them to lose weight. Wanting people to be more educated in proper weight loss diets and effective means of losing weight, nutritionists and experts continue to research on various subjects to prove that having a proper weight loss diet can be the solution to lose weight safely.

Through the years, many weight loss diets and programs have emerged. Majority of these promote the achievement weight loss through the simple process of burning calories.

One of the most popular weight loss diets today is the Atkins Nutritional Approach. This specific weight loss diet has become one of the most after weight loss diets out there because it allows a person to eat satisfying amounts of delicious and nutrient foods while customizing the program to specific individual needs, tastes and preferences. This weight loss diet works by stabilizing a person's blood sugar, lowering cholesterol and triglycerides levels while addressing other obesity-related conditions.

Bill Phillips' Eating For Life, on the other hand, is a plan that is based on four primary ingredients such as food, amount, combos, and times. By encouraging the intake of right foods, balancing the right amount, matching right combinations, and eating at the right time, this weight loss plan will lead to the formulation of the right recipe to satisfy the body's needs. Since it the diet plan aims to provide a balanced, healthy, satisfying, and effective way of losing weight, the person who is into it will be able to reduce body unwanted fats, gain energy, and can have that youthful glow.

While the former focuses on formulating the ultimate weight loss formula, the Blood Type Diet says that losing weight can be achieved by matching the body's biological profile through blood type. This specific weight loss diet believes that since people have individual needs, they should eat the foods that their bodies require.

For people on-the-go and do not have much time to indulge into healthy and freshly-prepared foods, the NutriSystem can be the perfect weight loss diet for them. Since this weight loss diet deals with managing diet through prepackaged foods, by providing a list of prepackaged meals monthly. Although this is perfect for busy people who would want to lose weight, experts say that this weight loss diet plan may not encourage effect.

No matter which of these weight loss diets you plan to do, bear in mind that food is quite important for the body's overall well being. It is a must that you become particular about the food you eat because it will determine the success and failure of your weight loss attempts. Aside from focusing on weight loss diets, learn to practice healthy lifestyle by eating and exercising properly.

Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: [] or

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Myths About Weight Loss

Do you really know what it takes to lose weight? Can you really believe
what those ads tell you? Are you confused by what all those experts are
telling you? Do you know that 95% of people who go on conventional diets,
gain back all the weight they have lost and often end up fatter than when
they began? Do you really know what is fact and what is hype?

Losing weight safely, healthily and permanently is not as complicated as it
may seem. Once you know what works and what doesn't and then apply this
knowledge properly, you can, finally, lose that ugly fat.

This article highlights 15 of the most common myths associated with weight
loss. Understanding them, will help clear up the confusion and help you to
decide how best to lose that weight forever.

#1 Fad diets work best for permanent weight loss.

Fad diets (South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, Glycemic Load Diet etc.) are not
the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Fad diets often promise quick
weight loss or tell you to cut certain foods out of your diet. You may lose
weight at first on one of these diets. But diets that strictly limit
calories or food choices are hard to follow. Most people quickly get tired
of them and regain
any lost weight.

Fad diets may be unhealthy because they may not provide all of the nutrients
your body needs. Also, losing weight at a very rapid rate (more than 3
pounds a week after the first couple weeks) may increase your risk for
developing gallstones (clusters of solid material in the gallbladder that
can be painful). Diets that provide less than 800 calories per day also
could result in heart rhythm abnormalities, which can be fatal.

Research suggests that losing ½ to 2 pounds a week by making healthy food
choices, eating moderate portions, and building physical activity into your
daily life is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. By adopting
healthy eating and physical activity habits, you may also lower your risk
for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

#2 Certain types of people cannot lose weight.

We are all born with a genetically pre-determined number of fat cells. Some
people naturally have more fat cells than others and women have more than
men. The number of fat cells increase the older we get.

It was once believed that the number of fat cells could not increase after
adulthood, only the size of the fat cells could increase. We now know that
fat cells can indeed increase both in size and in number and that they are
more likely to increase in number at certain times and under certain

Existing fat cells increase in size when energy intake exceeds energy
expenditure and the excess is stored in the fat cell. An overweight person's
fat cells can be up to three times larger than a person with ideal body

Fat cells tend to increase in number most readily when excessive weight is
gained due to overeating and or inactivity during the following periods:
1. During late childhood and early puberty 2. During pregnancy 3. During
adulthood when extreme amounts of weight are gained

Normally during adulthood, the number of fat cells stay about the same,
except in the case of obesity. When the existing fat cells are filled to
capacity, new fat cells can continue to be formed in order to provide
additional storage - even in adults.

A typical overweight adult has around 75 billion fat cells. But in the case
of severe obesity, this number can be as high as 250 to 300 billion!

Because of these facts, many people believe, "Well, I have more fat cells
than other people, so what's the use, I'll never lose weight". Some
people argue that obesity is genetic and/or that once you're obese and your
fat cells have multiplied, it's an uphill battle you can't ever win.

It's easy to search for excuses to explain your failure. It's easy to
justify current circumstances and low future expectations by seeking out
seemingly logical and scientific facts and explanations.

Here's the reality.

People who say it can't be done are just pessimists or they are simply trying
to sell another pill, potion or miracle solution.

As much as some people desperately want to believe in a magic pill or
surgical procedure, getting a lean body always boils back down to nutrition
and exercise. You can't change the number of fat cells you have (without
surgery), but you can shrink every one of them by changing your lifestyle.

The number of fat cells you possess will certainly influence how difficult
it will be for you to lose body fat. It's one of the reasons why some people
have a more difficult time losing weight than others and why some people
seem to gain weight more easily than others if they're not very careful and
diligent with their nutrition and exercise programs.

However, it does not mean that it's impossible to get lean.

#3 High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are a healthy way to lose weight.

The long-term health effects of a high-protein/low- carbohydrate diet are
not yet known. Additionally, getting most of your daily calories from high-
protein foods like meat, eggs, and cheese is not a balanced eating plan. You
may be eating too much fat and cholesterol, which can cause heart disease.
You may be eating too few fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which may
lead to constipation due to lack of dietary fiber and cause a lack of
essential vitamins and minerals. Following a high-protein/low- carbohydrate
diet may also make you feel nauseous, tired, and weak.

Eating fewer than 130 grams (520 calories) of carbohydrate a day can cause
your body to produce high levels of uric acid, which is a risk factor for
gout (a painful swelling of the joints) and kidney stones. High-protein/low-
carbohydrate diets are often low in calories because food choices are
strictly limited, so they may cause short-term weight loss. But a reduced-
calorie eating plan that includes recommended amounts of carbohydrate,
protein, and fat will also allow you to lose weight. By following a balanced
eating plan, you will not have to stop eating whole classes of foods, such as
whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and miss the key nutrients they
contain. You may also find it easier to stick with a diet or eating plan
that includes a greater variety of foods.

#4 A Low Fat Diet is Best

Certain amount of fats are essential, as some fatty acids cannot be made by
the body and must come from the diet. ( Fatty acids are simply one of the
main constituent parts of fat along with cholesterol) Some essential
vitamins (A D E K ) are only soluble in fat and the fatty acids act as a
carrier for them.

Certain fatty acids are also essential in the formation of cell membranes,
particularly in nerve tissue. It has been shown that patients on a fat free
diet develop scaly skin, infertility and run a greater risk of infection.

A further source of confusion is the different types of fat. In particular,
we have heard of saturated fat, unsaturated fat, mono-unsaturated fat and
poly-unsaturated fat. Without getting into the chemical differences between
each of these fats, suffice it to say that there are good fats and bad fats.

Saturated fats are the bad fats. Generally speaking, they are the ones
which are solid at room temperature and tend to be derived from animal
sources. i.e. butter comes from milk. Too much saturated fat is believed to
cause heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancers.

Unsaturated fats (both mono and poly ) are the good fats and tend to be
liquid at room temperature and are derived from vegetable sources. So when
we are looking at fats, keep an eye on the types of fat in the foods we are
eating and stay away from those which are high in saturated fat.

Now that we know what fat is, how much should we be eating? It is generally
accepted that about 30% of our calories should come from fat and no more
than 11% of this should be from saturated fat So, if we take a typical male
who is on 2500 calories, his fat target is no more than 750 calories (or
84g) from fat. Remember these are the maximum amounts allowed. It is much
better to err on the low side of this figure but DO NOT go below 20% of
calories from fat. (500 calories for our male example). Remember, we need
fat in our diet.

#5 Weight gain is genetic. You inherit it from your parents

Certainly, there may be what we call tendencies, but there is no such thing
as a fat gene that is passed down from generation to generation. What is
inherited are attitudes towards food and living in general. If parents are
overweight, it is likely that their food choices are unhealthy and it is
likely that their lifestyle is unhealthy. So, from a very early age, their
children are being subjected to that same unhealthy lifestyle. They have
little chance of remaining at a"normal" weight. They have learned to be
unhealthy by following what their parents have done and will carry this
learned behaviour with them throughout their lives.

Being overweight is not genetic but is another convenient excuse not to try
to lose weight. Each of us has within us the power to achieve our weight

#6 The "set point" theory determines what we all should weigh.

The set-point theory holds that we all have an internal weight regulator,
like a thermostat, that adjusts our metabolic rate up or down whenever we
gain or shed pounds in order to return our body to its predetermined weight.
Undoubtedly, some controls do exist or we would all be obese,
or,alternately, wasting away. Studies show that when we lose weight, our
metabolism actually shifts to a normal rate for that new weight, independent
of individual differences. It is important ,however, that the weight loss is
gradual, 1/2 to 2lbs per week is ideal. The body does not like rapid change
as it tends to have emergency responses to something that it doesn't like.
For instance, by losing weight rapidly, through diet, our bodies will go
into "starvation mode" where it will slow our metabolism to preserve our fat
reserves and thus make it very difficult to lose weight. It will also tend
to make weight gain much more likely when the diet ends because our
metabolism has been slowed down so much.

People nevertheless embrace the theory to blame their bodies, rather than
their own behaviour, for their weight-loss failure. It offers comfort to
those who refuse to accept the fact that weight control requires a
commitment to a physically active and calorie-conscious lifestyle.

#7 Carbohydrates make you fat.

Carbohydrates do not make you fat. Calories make you fat. Often it's the
sugar and fat contained in carbohydrates that make you fat. Also a lot of
carbohydrates are processed, so you don't get the advantage of feeling full
from fiber found in unprocessed carbs. For example, whole grain pasta is
more filling and makes you feel satisfied longer than white pasta, the same
with white bread and brown bread though, both have the same amount of
calories. What will change the number of calories is the amount of sauce and
butter you put on your pasta. What you want to do is eat carbs in

#8 Counting calories is not important.

You definitely need to count calories in one way or other in order to lose
weight. Most people tend to overestimate their physical activity and
underestimate their calories. Don't guess or try to estimate your caloric
intake. You cannot be accurate enough. There are many good computer
programs out there that do most of the work for you. If weight gain is
caused by your caloric intake (food) being greater than your caloric output
(living and exercise), how can you possibly know where you are and what
needs to be done?

#9 The best way to lose weight is to miss meals.

Studies show that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the
day tend to be heavier than people who eat a healthy breakfast and eat five
or six times a day. This may be because people who skip meals tend to feel
hungrier later on and eat more than they normally would. Also, it is now
generally accepted that people who eat smaller meals, 5 or 6 times a day,
tend to be less likely to be overweight. The process of eating in itself
tends to raise your metabolic rate and by eating more often, tends to keep
your metabolism more active for longer. Remember, to keep within your
caloric allowance.

#10 The best way to lose weight is by starving yourself.

Losing weight by not eating is an absolute no, no. There are 3 main reasons
for this. Very low calorie dieting or any "quick weight loss" will
significantly decrease our metabolism. Eating increases metabolism due to
the energy required for digestion and absorption of the food. The calories
required to digest, absorb, transport and metabolise the food we eat, can
cause a 10% increase in our caloric expenditure each day. Every time we eat,
our body's metabolism gets a temporary boost. So one way to help increase
metabolic rate is to eat smaller, more frequent meals and snacks. Skipping
meals causes a decrease in our metabolic rate until we again eat something.

Significantly reducing calories lowers our metabolic rate. Our body treats
any sudden reduction in food intake as an impending starvation situation and
prepares itself by slowing our metabolism to conserve calories. The more
drastically we cut our calories, the more our metabolic rate drops.

Losing weight through dieting alone without exercise, depletes our muscle
tissue stores. Muscle requires many more calories each day to maintain itself.
The faster we lose weight through dieting alone, the more muscle tissue we
lose and the lower our metabolic rate becomes. Exercise prevents muscle
tissue loss and adds muscle bulk and therefore raises our metabolic rate.

#11 We shouldn't eat late at night as all that food will turn to fat.

The fact is, eating at night does not necessarily make you fat. There are
too many other variables involved to make such a big assumption. The primary
factor in whether you gain or lose fat is not when you eat but rather how
much. Providing we have not consumed too many calories for that day it
doesn't really matter when we eat.

However, that doesn't mean meal timing doesn't matter, it simply means that
it's entirely possible to eat one of your meals late at night right before
bed and still lose body fat, as long as you're in a caloric deficit.

It would be more accurate to say that eating large meals late at night
before bed, especially calorie dense high carbohydrate meals, increases the
probability that you will store some of those calories as fat.

It is probably more beneficial if you plan to eat your calories earlier in
the day and slightly fewer calories at night. Experience has shown that this
will accelerate fat loss or make it easier to lose fat and that's not the
same as saying "eating at night makes you fat."

#12 Weight loss pills are the best way to lose weight if you have failed in
the past.

Would you believe me if I said there was a pill which could make you
smarter, richer or more attractive. No you wouldn't. You'd probably would
laugh at the thought. It is no more ridiculous to believe that a pill could
make you lose weight. Many of the so called weight loss pills on the market
have not been properly tested and we are not yet sure of the long term
effects of taking them. You will read many reviews praising this pill or
that pill. Ask yourself this. "Is the writer of that review trying to then
sell me something?" There have been no pills yet which have been proven to
help weight loss safely and healthily.

#13 You can lose weight from a specific part of your body.

It is, absolutely, physically impossible to lose weight just from a specific
part of your body. You cannot control where fat is removed from your body.
Any machine or specific exercise which claims to specifically lose belly fat
or thigh fat is lying. Certainly, a specific exercise will improve muscle
tone in that group of muscles being trained, giving the illusion that fat is
being lost.

Fat will only disappear from your body in a predetermined order.
Unfortunately for men that tends to be the belly area and the thighs and hips
for women. Tom Venuto, author of the internet's best selling book on fat
loss gives us a very good analogy. "You cannot empty the shallow end of the
swimming pool before you empty the deep end first."

#14 You don't need to exercise to lose weight.

You certainly don't need to exercise to lose weight but it is very, very
difficult if you don't. Most diets fail because they are too difficult to
maintain. Severely cutting down on calories means we have to deprive
ourselves of too many things we enjoy. This leads to cravings which leads
to cheating which leads to failure. It is also unhealthy.

We can also burn off calories by exercising. By incorporating exercise into
our daily regime, we immediately make weight loss more attainable. Simply
by walking 30 minutes every day at a pace which raises our heart rate enough
can help our weight loss tremendously. However, the more we exercise the
more calories we burn. Additionally, exercise gives us many other health
benefits, like a healthier heart, lower blood pressure, a greater feeling of
well-being etc. The benefits are too many to mention.

#15 Don't weigh yourself

It's another misconception that you shouldn't step on a scale while
attempting to lose weight. It is a good
tool to check your
weight on a regular basis, say once a week.It is an obvious way to gauge
your progress and alter your diet accordingly. However, only using scales is
a bad idea. Use your eyes to see body changes. Use a tape measure to keep
track of tummy and thigh inches.

However, what you must keep in mind is that what you are, ultimately, trying
to do is lose fat and not just weight. Measuring fat loss is more difficult
to do but it is a far better indicator of your progress. Body fat analysis
is best done by a professional and can be done at most local gyms or health
clubs. There are also a wide range of devices freely available which can
give you a fairly accurate measurement.

Iain Anthony lives in the UK with his wife and three children. He has a BA in Sports Studies and is the author of the Ultimate Weight Loss and Fat Loss Package. If you have enjoyed reading this article and are keen to discover much , much more, please visit

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